Our Team

Our Team

Hello! I thought you may like to learn a little more about us here at The Good Soap, just for a bit of fun.

The boss is Ruby - a 6 year old Beagle / Jack Russell. She pretty much runs the show and certainly sets the schedule around her mealtimes and walk times! Ruby is greedy, determined and extremely loving and funny.

Boss number two is me, Dawn, who at the age of 46 had a bright idea to teach myself to make my own soap. I, like many people had watched the Blue Planet series, and watched David Attenborough explain the dire situation in our oceans I and felt truly heartbroken to see the impact, so decided to start with myself and my family and replace our bottles in the bathroom with bars of soaps. So I began to teach myself. Now I've always loved making and baking and so it truly was and still is a pleasurable and fun experience to play in my kitchen and experiment. 

In my past I had training in skin care, how to safely use essential oils and base oils and what to use them for. Also although I am not a hairdresser I had owned and managed a hair salon where I spent my days absorbing information about hair care. I have also always had a passion for a bit of business, coming from a family of entrepreneurs and self employment. Long story short (I always have to cut my stories short or we'll be here all day!) people wanted to buy my soap and so I started selling it. I then looked at other products where I could eliminate plastic and came up with my own recipes for deodorants, moisturisers, dog soap etc. After 6 months of selling online I had to have a workshop built in my back garden, I'm lucky to have the space in my garden because we literally were getting buried in soap in the house. 

After a while I had to have a helper and I recruited my little sister Gemma. Gemma already runs her own busy dog walking business here in North Wales called Waggin' and Walkin' and so in between her doggie clients she started wrapping parcels for me when I was getting swamped! She has had a go of making soap and various products with me and enjoys it. We've always been best pals as well as sisters so we truly love working together. Or at least I think she likes it here.....

Helper number 2 is Michelle, and Michelle and I have been friends since 1st year of primary school. We went through school together, bought our kids up alongside each other and have supported each other through all of the highs and lows of life. Michelle is a hairdresser by trade. We worked together moons ago when I bought my hair salon and she was my chief and very talented hair stylist. In an interesting twist to our story Michelle ended up buying the hair salon from me and running it herself. A few years later she joins my Good Soap story by starting to help me out, as a friend, by wrapping parcels. After a while of her working for free for friendship I offered her a job and she agreed to join me, and train to make the products and so over the last few months I have taught her how to make soap and all of the other items and she assists in most aspects of the business by making, wrapping, labelling, tidying and anything else I need!

Last but not least is Jan, my lovely mum. Mum has always been super talented at making items, and so is in charge of our crochet items and keeping those stocked up - along with doing a parcelling shift once a week and extra when required.

It's wonderful for me to not only work with my sister, my best friend and my mum but to also be able to share my business space, home space and crazy plans with people I trust 110%

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